Clicking Confirm Security Exception will permit the access. Click Advanced, then Add Exception ( Figure D). The Firefox browser will display content resembling Figure C. Then you must click Proceed To to continue. This necessitates clicking Advanced ( Figure B). The Chrome web browser will show something similar to Figure A. However, if you use an untrusted internal certificate authority to generate SSL certificates for internal resources, you will be nagged by your browser when you attempt to connect. For an SSL certificate to work properly, the entity that issued the certificate (also known as a certificate authority) must also be trusted by the web browser, which involves installing the issuer certificate so the browser knows that issuer is valid and reliable.Ĭommonly used certificate authorities, such as Verisign, DigiCert, and Entrust, are automatically trusted by most browsers. Web browsers use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt traffic between client systems and server computers to protect confidential data such as social security information and credit card details.